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News from w3logistics

What does "Software Retrofit" mean?

In the logistics industry, "Retrofit" is a fixed term. It means the modernization or the extension of production facilities. The main goal of retrofitting is to ensure continuous operation of the production, often by increasing efficiency and capacity at the same time.

The software company w3logistics from Dortmund adapted this idea to create a retrofitting concept for software. w3logistics AG defined methods for "Software Retrofit", and already employed these concepts to various warehouse management and material flow systems.

On a software retrofit, the existing software solutions are retained, but modifications are implemented. This way, the software can be adapted to new requirements. This means that not only additional modules can be added, e. g. a visualization or new interfaces, but also a migration to a new database or a new operating system is possible. The old software system is kept, but "remoulded" completely.

This way of recycling software offers many benefits over new projects. One advantage is the shorter project time, which is possible because no introductory phase for the new software and thus no trainings for the employees are necessary. Software retrofitting can also help if the original supplier is not at the market any more, or if additional modules are no longer available.

All in all, this method results in massive reduction of costs and work for the customer, while still does not have to waive necessary changes of his system.

The Dortmund software experts of w3logistics have already successfully conducted many retrofittings. The companies KHS GmbH, Wepa Hygieneprodukte GmbH and GLORIA GmbH are some of the satisfied customers.

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Read also our information "Cut costs with software retrofitting" and additional reference reports.

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