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News from w3logistics

w3logistics and the EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr

The decision was made already in February 2010: The logistical areas Ruhr and Rhine-Main win the excellence cluster competition of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

The excellence cluster LogistikRuhr is a co-operation of 120 IT and logistics companies, and 11 universities and research organizations. They work on seven main mottos, which comprise 30 joint research projects with a project volume of 80m € to do research for logistical solutions.

By developing and marketing of products, a market potential of more than 2,000m € is to be exploited during the next five years. This safeguards employment and will create more than 4,000 new jobs at the cluster partners. The goal is to master the economical challenges of tomorrow in the areas of individual supply with goods, mobility and production, with 75 % of the resources of today in an ecologically and socially responsible manner.

w3logistics AG is involved in three joint research projects of which two have been approved meanwhile, so that now intensive work on these projects can commence.

w3logistics will work on various aspects of telematics, and will be able to build this work on long term know how in developing telematics solutions.

More information also at (in German).

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