Textile logistics at DHL with w3logistics

DHL Supply Chain's fashions division supplies more than 300 shops daily. The leading textile logistics provider offers its customers in the clothes retail industry the respective status information of the consignments as an additional service – in real time!
Basis for this service is the software solution w3/telephony of the Dortmund w3logistics AG. In a pilot project the standard system was adapted to the requirements of DHL and their customers. Since 2009, the solution successfully proves itself in live operations.
The telematics software from Dortmund distinguishes itself from other solutions insofar as special terminal devices are not needed: The drivers dial into a communication server using their mobile phones. Identification and status input is done with the keypad of the mobile, the user is guided through the menu by simple speech messages. This approach results in ease of use, high reliability, and maximal security at low costs.
Karl-Heinz Lippe, executive manager of the textile logistics provider from Essen, is happy about the joint success: "We were looking for a solution to support the existing workflow and to make it transparent. With w3logistics and their efficient software we quickly and easily reached this aim."