Coldstore employs w3/max

For its newly established cold store in Hamm, Coldstore Hengelo BV has chosen the standard warehouse management system w3/max from w3logistics to control the storage equipment supplied by SSI Schäfer Noell.
The cold store is used for storing food – fresh meat and convenience foods. The store consists of four blocks of mobile racks, as well as 14 fixed racks. At any time, each block has one open aisle which can be accessed by forklift truck.
The connection of the warehouse to the outside world is provided by four conveyor belts with air locks. In the warehouse, European and standard industrial pallets are transported by fork lift trucks, which are controlled by radio terminals. In the staging area of the cold store, there are three quick-freeze rooms used for freezing the goods or as a buffer for the repackaging station.
The warehouse management system controls and coordinates all movements within the mobile rack system. Using a system simulator developed by w3logistics, the WMS was already optimally prepared for integration with the control hardware during the development phase, so that at start of operations everything worked smoothly – just what the customer expected.
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