TiLO – w3logistics researching for logistics of the future

The experts for high end warehouse management solutions from Dortmund do not only care for their customers, but also share their know-how to support a number of research projects.
The excellence cluster LogistikRuhr is a co-operation of 120 IT and logistics companies, and 11 universities and research organizations. They work on seven main mottos, which comprise 30 joint research projects with a project volume of 80m € to do research for logistical solutions. The projects are partly funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
w3logistics AG is involved in three joint research projects. One of these projects is called "TiLO", abbreviation for "Tracing of intelligent Logistic Objects".
With the support of w3logistics, it will be possible in the future to operate a warehouse scanner-less, but without having to forego the advantages of a solution with scanners.
Basis for this is the integration of a newly developed camera-based analysis system. The core of this technique focusses around the derivation of information from moving and still images of the warehouse and the storage areas in real time. The derived information details are used to recognize all logistical operations – e. g. storage or retrieval – which are then combined with all relevant additional information and booked in the background.
The advantages of this system are obvious: The infrastructure is simplified, the workers are relieved from numerous work steps, and the work processes in the warehouse are accelerated.
w3logistics extensive know-how in the area of warehousing systems excellently supplements the comprehensive research work and helps to make the project a success.