Coldstore: IFS certified with w3/max

"Only a fine software solution will not be sufficient to get the IFS certificate. But without, it will be difficult", confirms Holger Schäfer, managing director at Coldstore's, an international food logistics provider.
During the audit for the food sector's prestigious IFS certification, Coldstore was awarded the "advanced level" by achieving more than 95% of the maximum. An major role in the certification process was played by the warehouse management system w3/max by the Dortmund based software company w3logistics.
Since its implementation in 2005 in the Coldstore plant in Hamm, the system has constantly been developed. Meanwhile the solution fulfils the requirements of three Coldstore warehouses in Germany and the Netherlands. The system's philosophy is simple and efficient: A necessary data input has to be done, only then the employee gets further orders. In combination with a check of inputs, reporting, control, and management functionalities w3/max assures correct data.
Extremely helpful to succeed in the certification process were the system's features to enable retraceability: During the put-away process all producers' barcodes are scanned and stored in the data base with a link to the pallet. During repacking processes, only the pallets' barcodes have to be captured to match a pallet with its origin when creating documents or transferring data via interfaces.
The result of Coldstore in the Chapter 4 of the IFS certification process, which requires retraceability: extraordinary 97%!